My Happiness Project – Life List Update

This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series My Happiness Project

In February while attending the Mom 2.0 Summit conference I bought the book The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin and she even autographed it.

In March I read some of The Happiness Project.

In April I published my Life List with item number 54 being to complete my own Happiness Project.

Last week I took action to download Gretchen’s eBook on how to run a group with your Happiness Project.  I have read through her discussion tips and have decided to put some into action immediately.

  1. I started an one sentence journal.  This is working great and although it’s sometimes two sentences a day, which is totally fine, I always find something positive from the day to write down.  Right after climbing into my bed for the night, I grab this journal off my night stand and write a quick note.  Great way to reflect on something positive and keep track.
  2. I decided I will start blogging my progress with reading the book, actions I take and how I plan to make this reality of completing my own Happiness Project.  Not sure if you can actually complete the Happiness Project, it’s more of a work in progress… but you get the idea.
  3. Create and run a group.  This is the tricky part.  I would love to have a group or weekly discussion with someone else who wants to take part in The Happiness Project with me.  I would love to reach out to some other bloggers who might want to blog once a week about our progress and maybe hold one another accountable.  Work on small steps together, even if it is as simple as keeping an one sentence journal.  I’d be happy to host a weekly Mr. Linky here so we could read each others posts and maybe we could follow along with Gretchen’s eBook layout for tips and suggestions.

So who’s with me?  If you are interested, leave me a comment or email me at djane (at) mommadjane (dot) com.  We could maybe even have a Skype discussion if you wanted.

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