7 Steps to a Good Night’s Sleep

I’ve been know to have many restless nights.  Between tossing and turning with too much on my mind to weird dreams and nightmares. Living a busy lifestyle can sometimes get in the way of getting a decent sleep.  Here are 7 steps to help you feel refreshed in the morning.

7 Steps To a Good Night's Sleep

Stick to a Routine

Try to keep a consistent schedule as often as possible.  Our bodies adjust to routines.  Kids aren’t the only ones that need a set bedtime. After many late nights in a row, it can be hard to train your body to fall asleep early again.

Cut the Sweets and Caffeine

Stop drinking caffeine at least four hours before calling it a night.  Save your coffee for the morning wakeup boost.  Remember, not only does chocolate have caffeine in it naturally, excess sugar can cause tossing and turning at night.  So try to avoid eating desserts too late in the evening.

Avoid Screen Time

This is the most difficult for me to do.  I have a habit of relaxing by watching my favorite TV show in bed or reading on my Kindle.  Although these habits can be a way to clear my mind from work and daily life as mom, it is also a distraction from sleep.  If you unwind by watching TV or reading from a tablet, try to schedule that time before waiting until you climb in bed.

Meditate or Yoga

A long day of working at my computer or wrangling kids can cause tense muscles and my body to feel exhausted.  Doing some light yoga to stretch out the stiffness from the day works wonders.  A nice quiet meditation can help your body prepare for a good night’s rest.

Manage Your Mood

Use wearable technology like the Hapbee band to manage your moods and relax before going to bed. If you find it difficult to unwind and switch off, the Hapbee band uses low-energy magnetic fields to send signals to your brain to help you control your mood. At night you can use it to make yourself feel relaxed, calm, or sleepy so that it’s easier to drift off and get a good night’s rest.

Keep a Notepad on the Nightstand

Most of my best ideas comes to me while laying in bed.  Sometimes even in the middle of the night!  To prevent racing thoughts all night long, keep a notepad on your bedside table to write down what’s on your mind.  Write it down, clear your mind and relax.  No need to worry about trying to not forget something, it’s now down on paper so you can let it go.

Natural Sleep Aid

RESCUE sleep liquid melts are a natural supplement.  If stress and repetitive thoughts are keeping you awake at night then try the non-habit forming, alcohol free melt that dissolves on your tongue.  Each liquid melt releases four drops of the RESCUE sleep aid which is a blend of the original RESCUE Remedy with Bach Original Flower Remedy, White Chestnut, to help calm repetitive thoughts so you fall asleep naturally and wake refreshed. This gentle and safe sleep aid will have you well rested in no time.

Rescue Natural Sleep Aid

RESCUE stress relief  and all natural sleep aid products are available now in the US at CVS, Walgreens, Whole Foods, Sprouts and wherever you find natural products.

Download a coupon for one of the RESCUE products today.  RESCUE also offers all natural supplements that work on stress.

Soothing Sounds

My favorite way to fall asleep is listening to instrumental music.  My mom enjoys playing sounds of nature or ocean waves to sleep.  Some people prefer the sound of a ceiling fan circling above to help them relax.  The key is to listen to something without words that will distract you and spur memories or dreams.  Make sure the music you select is played softly so it doesn’t aid in keeping you awake.  Avoid radio stations that play ads or have a DJ talking between songs.

 How do you make sure you get a good night’s sleep?

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

One Comment

  1. Staying away from technology is by far the most difficult for me, too!

    I totally forgot about including soothing sounds in my post – We love the Relax Melodies app and often play a collection of night ambience sounds. Totally does the trick!

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